
Ho Ho Ho

Merry Almost Christmas!!
I did this drawing for a gift to someone. A quick line drawing, though it wasn't as quick as I wanted it to be.

My vacation started this evening. Lucky me!
It was a pretty busy year for the most part, both personally and professionally, and I have, of course, both positive and negative memories. I don't want to say that everything went alright and I was happy after all because it didn't. But, I'm still grateful that at least the end seems to be arriving wonderfully and peacefully here... It seems.

I'm leaving for Japan in a couple of days. can't wait to see my friends and families and eat good food.

Happy Holidays!


Rainy Drops

It's been raining 4 days straight.
And it's supposed to rain 2 more days before it stops.
And it's supposed to rain harder tomorrow than it did the last 4 days.
It's so not like California.

It's cold and unpleasant, but I still like it even though I have to bike to work in the rain. I don't know why exactly.
It's a strange feeling when you bike in the rain on a bike path where nobody else is there. It's cold and colorless, but suddenly it becomes exciting and alive.


You Have Been Loved

This sketch originally had a different writing on it, but decided to change it after scanning it in ......to be sweet.

Have a lovely weekend.



うちの会社が今週末LAで行われたShowBiz Expoていうなにやらよくわからないエンターテインメント系のコンベンションに出展するってわけでその手助けをすることに。

